Warm spiced pumpkin cupcake stuffed with gooey chocolate chip cheesecake filling…
Variety is the spice of life, so cream cheese stuffed pumpkin cupcakes or cream cheese stuffed chocolate cupcakes – What are you in the mood for?
I set out to make a pumpkin version of the chocolate stuffed cupcakes I posted yesterday. I thought the gooey chocolate chip filling would be amazing nestled down in a moist spiced pumpkin cupcake. On my first try, I assembled them just like the chocolate version; dolloping the filling on top of the pumpkin batter. I discovered that because the pumpkin cake batter is denser than the chocolate, the filling never sank into the middle of the cake. It just lay on top – mocking me. On my second try, I layered a little batter in the bottom, a dollop of filling next and topped it with a little more batter. That technique worked! Moist pumpkin cupcake concealing a cream cheesy chocolatey surprise! WooHoo!
I don’t know how I can express the amount of "YES!!!!!" I am feeling as I read this recipe. Gorgeous and they look nice and warming and cozy now that the days are getting cooler!
Hi Jessie!
I’m so thrilled you stopped by ( :
These cupcakes are just perfect with cozy socks and a warm cup of tea!
I may happen to be enjoying just that right now…
Hope you are doing well!!
Cupcakes & unicorns to you-
These are a MUST try.
Hi Pat! Hope you like them!
They were so good still warm from the oven ( :
Take care!